Friday, August 8, 2008


I recently read the book Heaven by Randy Alcorn and was blown away by how much the Bible tells us about Heaven. I've been a Christian for almost forty years and have never heard a single sermon on Heaven. Yes, I've heard Heaven mentioned in a few sermons, but never expounded upon. Most preachers avoid the subject altogether because they don't feel that they really know enough about it to teach us anything on the subject.

We all have questions about what Heaven will be like. After all, we'll be spending eternity there. After years of research, Dr. Randy Alcorn offers answers from the Bible for questions such as:

What is Heaven going to be like?
Will we really have bodies?
Will animals be there?
What will we do in Heaven?
Will we get bored there?
Will we recognize our loved ones?
Will we go places and do things with them?
How can we know for sure we'll go to Heaven?

I highly recommend this book. Every Christian should read it. You'll see Heaven in a whole new light.

1 comment:

Eve said...

That's sounds like a wonderful, unlifting book to add to my bookcase. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.